Urn Burial – Funeral Service with Zen Master Father Reding – Tulips and daffodils bloomed, they bloomed for you!

Funeral speaker Abbot Reding from the Honora Zen monastery will help you to arrange and carry out the urn burial according to your wishes.

Prayer and Meditation

Tulips and daffodils bloomed, they bloomed for you, they bloomed for me; They have withered, they have dried up, because today I have to get away from you. The blue and the white lilacs have lost their grace; It will never bloom for us again, because today I have to get away from you. The red and white roses bloom neither for you nor for me; They must wither unpicked, because today I must be away from you.

The asters and mignonette blossom, what good is it to you, what good is it to me; Another will break them both, because today I have to get away from you. I pick the very last yellow flowers, the marigolds; They bloom on the grave of love, because today I have to get away from you.

Urn Burial

I moved in as a stranger, I move out again as a stranger. May was kind to me with many a bouquet of flowers. The girl spoke of love, the mother even of marriage - Now the world is so gloomy, the road is covered in snow. I can't choose the time for my travels: I have to show the way myself in this darkness. a shadow of the moon travels with me as my companion, and on the white meadows I look for the footsteps of the wild.

How long should I stay before I'm driven out? Let crazy dogs howl in front of their master's house! Love loves to wander - God made it that way - From one to the other - Fine darling, good night! Don't want to disturb you in your dream, it would be a pity for your rest, you shouldn't hear my step - Gently, gently close the door! I only write as I go to the gate: Good night! So that you may see, I was thinking of you. All the best on the final journey, and rest in peace!