Non-religious Burial – Funeral Orator – I only know one thing, you have reached your goal!

Funeral orator Abbot Reding from the Honora Zen monastery, guides you through the non-religious burial. The non-denominational funeral can be carried out according to your wishes at the place that is most suitable for you.

Location: Cemetery Einsiedeln

Prayer and Meditation

O wide valleys, o heights, o beautiful, green forest, you abode devotional to my joy and sorrows. Out there, always betrayed, the busy world rushes; Take the bow again, around me, you green tent. When the day begins, the earth steams and blinks, the birds beat merrily, your heart sings. Then let the gloomy earthly sorrow pass away, then you shall rise again in youthful glory!

Is written in the forest a quiet, serious word of right action and love, and what man treasures. I have faithfully read the words plain and true, and through my whole being became unspeakably clear. I'll leave you soon, I'll be a stranger in a foreign land, I'll see the spectacle on life's colorfully moving streets. And in the midst of life, the power of your earnestness will lift me up when I am lonely, so my heart will not grow old.

Non-Religious Burial

Today is a year since you were carried out, the long procession went through the alley. The sun was shining, haste and noise fell silent, the pigeons rose in swarms. And all around the fields colorful autumn clothes, it almost took away the suffering of the funeral procession, a whisper joined the chorale. But now there was silence - we stopped at the portal. The train turned, there was the fresh grave, the next two of us silently looked down. The priest, the last light of the day shone around his friendly, serious face, and as he said his parting words, the coffin sank and flowers fell down.

Late roses, red and white, white mallows and with the flowers fell the three volleys. That sounded so fresh in our ears and hearts, our suffering vanished, all grief and pain, life, was it little for you, was it a lot for you? I only know one thing, you have reached your goal, you were allowed to be laid in flowers, you have peace now, earth becomes earth. And when the hour comes to line us up with you, let the hour, O God, be like this.