Funeral Service when there are no relatives? – Pro Senectute and Father Reding help arrange a dignified and respectful ceremony

Unfortunately, it often happens that the deceased person had no relatives and friends. Abbot Reding from the Honora Zen Monastery and the Pro Senectute are happy to help to organize a worthy funeral service.

Pro Senectute - Funeral Without Relatives

The Pro Senectute supports and helps people in old age. When writing the will and the last will. The competent employees will be happy to help you with your respective request.

Prayer for the Deceased

O wonderful food on this pilgrimage, o manna, heavenly bread, you want to still our hunger with gifts fill us, save us from eternal death. You gave your life for us and give your flesh and blood for food and drink. Who praises this priceless, eternal good with worthy thanks. Come, all those in need on earth; so speaks your own mouth. I want to give you life again with my blood. This is the new everlasting covenant. Father in heaven, what we see here in faith and trust, show us in the light, and let it happen one day what we see you face to face forever.

In this way the year comes to an end with golden wine and the fruit of the gardens. Around the forests are wonderfully silent and we are the lonely companions. It is good. You evening bells, long and soft, still give cheerful courage to the end. A migration of birds greets on the journey. It is the mild time of love. In the boat down the blue river how beautifully picture follows picture. This is lost in calm and silence. The firn palely stares me in the face.

The steep Ghost Coast doesn't scare me. A single gaunt boat is rowing there. Skipper, over here! A wanderer wants to go away! You hold me, friend, pressed in your arms? Am I a slave to be bound? Farewell! Release! Farewell! I jump in the boat. Ferryman, I salute you! you are death.