Lucerne Zen Meditation at the Cemetery – On the peaks of lofty mountains the cares of the earth seem dwarfs to me!

Funeral orator Abbot Reding invites you to an open meditation in the Friedental Cemetery in Lucerne.

Prayer and Meditation

On the peaks of lofty mountains the cares of the earth seem dwarfs to me, when they threaten me in the valley as giants. there serious thoughts rise above the oppressive barriers of fate, courageously escaped from the haze of the deep. O you beloved, you glorious heights, will I die in the pain of longing before my eyes greet you again?

If I suffer the pangs of longing alone on a desolate and formless heath, will hope never sweeten it for me? On mountains, closer to the stars, closer to the moon in the eternal distance, near the magnificent canopy of heaven, one day the smiling Hore would appear to me, opening the golden gates of a second, better world for me.

Friedental Cemetery - Meditation - Lucerne

There in the eastern evening light, the peacock blue, lies a mighty mountain called the "Reclining Woman." The woman is stretched out, her head turned to one side. when the sky's limit burns brown-red in the evening, my blood says that it recognizes the "lying woman", the round cheeks, the full hips and breasts, the longing then clearly marks the longing lust. It's not a dead mountain, it's my breathing wife, there she lies and waits with a devoted body.

Those who wait with longing grow into giants. Ah, my shoulders have long since touched the stars. I can become a climber who leads everyone else. Paths where a step never sounded: who tracked them down? That was my heart's content! It drives me to the peaks, over snow, through storms, along the torrent, on the edge of the glacier, up! Now climb up, you other daredevils! Follow me with a glowing heart, up into the open ice!

If you fall, the Edelweiss flower adorns you in paradise! Comes! I greet you with joy. But most of all I like to stand high up all alone, in the middle of the quiet circle of heaven, and hear the eagles scream: hello, you little hero!