Non-Denominational Funeral – Funeral Orator – Zurich Affoltern – Sun, break through the clouds!

Respectful, clear and formal. Non-denominational funeral orator abbot Reding from the Honora Zen Monastery will be happy to help you arrange the burial ceremony. According to your wishes. Different cultural backgrounds and religious faiths united in one ceremony.

Prayer and Meditation

Sun, break through the clouds! Let us see the bright sky, let us see your rays! Haven't the thick vapors darkened you long enough? Hasn't it rained enough? Behold, the fields are full of water, and it is for your rays to dry much, to drink much! Ball of light, let the gloomy clouds flee quickly from your rays; But if you want to pour wine instead of water.

Such wine as I drink now, O let the clouds rain! Soul of the world, tireless sun! Mother of love, joys, wine! Even without you, the earth and creatures freeze in sadness. And how can I be inspired and blessed by your influence here alone. Oh how can I turn my back on you? warmth, mildness! my fatherland with your sweetest rays, just let me, oh, I beg, stay closer to you, close to you like the eagle.

Non-denominational Funeral Orator

The slate roofs shaggy and wide, not a single house is awake yet, delicately clear area and loneliness, there a little bird cheers itself up. To greet the sun, it rises in purer and purer blue until it can no longer be seen, now the heavenly sow rejoices. Shaggy the slate roofs, a rugged mountain looms, the crescent moon tender and anxious tomorrow, there the flesh of the clouds, blooming and heavy. The lark has seen the sun and is now sinking back into the valley.

The morning winds hear that and blow, the little clouds glow happily. Cherry trees stand and align themselves and look around silently, like children stand with sayings and bouquets so deliciously stupid and stupid. Behold, there it flashes joyfully brightened, there it rises and rises, the love-illuminated face of the world, and our soul is silent.